The template lets you show up to 4 milestones. You can edit the milestone labels and dates via the data table. In the above example you will see 3 milestones as vertical lines. Milestones: With any project timeline, you will most likely want to define at least a couple key milestones. Another common way to group tasks within a project timeline is by key organization function, such as Marketing, Design, Testing, Manufacturing, Finance, Sales, Quality Assurance, Legal, etc. However, there are other ways to use this type of timeline.

The example above shows some of the steps in a product development cycle (Concept Development, System Design, Detail Design, Testing and Refining, Production, etc.), with different colors representing different phases of the cycle. You can insert and delete tasks by just inserting or deleting rows in the spreadsheet's data table. This makes it easy to identify the different phases or categories of tasks. Grouping Tasks Using Different Colors: One of the key features of this template is the ability to choose a different color for the bars in the timeline via a drop-down box in the Color column.